
Ressources to address inequality and discrimination in the workplace.

Chais'Art was born from the combination of the wheelchair and art. Our aim: to raise awareness and demystify disability through art and humour.

Autonomia, it's all the news related to disability, 24H/24. Information has never been so accessible!

The solution is in your hands

Welcome to the autonomy fair! Find all the products, brands, companies and services for independent living... And this 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from your home.

"In my opinion, there are too many accommodations for able-bodied people... Stairs disfigure our cultural heritage, they should just climb."

All the resources for a more inclusive mobility!

We wish to put forward testimonies, legislations, news and all possible help, to fight against these intolerable violences. Whoever you are, you are not alone!

Share your opinions, day-to-day difficulties and best practices during thematic webinars.

This project consists of covering car parks in the streets of Brussels with cartoons to raise awareness about equal opportunities and the treatment of people with disabilities.